Monday, January 24, 2011

Step 2: Looking For Locations

All the casting is completed. If you still want to help out with any aspect of the film you can email me at

Now that all the casting is done, the next step if finding the locations. I've been struggling to find a day that I'm not working or have class, but it'll happen within the week hopefully. I need to look into the lighting in areas that I won't need permits to shoot, mostly places where there is little to no walking traffic and gives the feel each scene/shot needs.

Also, the Voice Over recording should be happening soon. We're still trying to decide exactly how to do the voice over, but it needs done before shooting begins.

Last but definitely not least is the wardrobe. On a $50 budget and some smart shopping at goodwill we should get everything we need sometime within the next week.

Updates will be coming on shooting days, locations, and eventually release information.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Casting for "Uncontrolled"

Just started casting for the short. The script ends up running about 15 minutes long. Which means it will probably run about 20-25 minutes with everything completed.

The main role of Daniel has already been cast. There are the following supporting roles that need to be filled:

  • Ann - About 18-20 years old. She is in one scene and has two lines. 
  • Guard - Never seen, only heard. Must have a deep voice. He is in two scenes and has four short lines.
  • Girlfriend - About 18-20 years old. She is in one scene and has six lines.
  • Boyfriend - About 18-24 years old. He is in one scene and has one short line.
  • Homeless Man - Any age above 18. Must have facial hair. He is in one scene and says one word.
  • Person 1 - Any age above 18. He/She is in one scene and has one line.
All of the roles that still need to be filled are pretty small. All except Person 1 and Guard are killed off in the scene they appear.

If you have any questions or are interested in acting for the short, contact Craig Inzana. Either on facebook or . Actors should be from the Pittsburgh, PA area.