Friday, February 11, 2011

Script Updates and Possibilities

The first edition of the screenplay can be viewed here:

The screenplay is pretty much finished besides minor grammatical errors and production notes. It occurred to me that the film doesn't have much of a back story at all. If we get a good amount of money from our Kickstarter campaign then I think I'm going to be expanding the script a bit to show a little of Daniel's background and show more of why the music effects him in the way it does. It would give more insight into why he commits the murders and why he's clinically insane. I feel it would make the story stronger, but probably add another 10-15 minutes into the film. Page Launched

We were looking for ways to fund the film and stumbled upon Kickstarter. It's a crowdfunding site that allows us to easily lead potential backers to the project and give them a quick overview of what we're all about.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Getting The Ball Rolling

We've finally established the locations. We're still waiting on permission from one of the locations, but it doesn't seem like it should be a problem.

The next step now is recording the voice over. We just scheduled time in a sound booth to do this on Monday, and after the voice over is recorded we can start shooting.

Also we've made arrangements to have the classical music all be made from scratch as original scores. So, the movie will have it's own soundtrack, hopefully we can get some of our friends in bands to help with some more contemporary music as well.

Things are getting pretty exciting. I'm looking into different ways to fund the project now, there are a couple of sites like Kickstarter that might be a big help once we start.